Team AND individual summer comp expressions of interest are now open!
You can register a team, OR nominate for the Player Pool, and we’ll help find you a team 🏈
1️⃣ Team organisers, nominate your team, and you’ll be sent a link for individual players to register (TEAM NOMINATION – INDIVIDUAL PLAYER REGO LINK WILL BE SENT TO MANAGERS ONCE TEAM IS NOMINATED – https://docs.google.com/…/1FAIpQLSft2vIqO7Ct9q…/viewform)
2️⃣ Individuals who are not part of a team, but are looking for a team to play in, nominate your expression of interest to play and we’ll find you a crew to run around with (INDIVIDUAL PLAYER POOL EOI – PLEASE DO NOT USE THIS LINK TO REGISTER AS AN INDIVIDUAL IF YOU ALREADY HAVE A TEAM –https://docs.google.com/…/1FAIpQLSc7PTDdKHxRYm…/viewform)
‼️Be quick to express interest by October 10th or risk missing registration ‼️
📆Comp starts Tuesday October 31st (Mixed) and Monday November 6th (Mens & Womens) and runs ‘til March